On the Republican side, former longtime Illinois House minority leader Jim Durkin was asked after the unveiling of a portrait of former GOP Gov. Whoever the committee selects will have to run in 2024 to retain the seat. Smith-Members has previously run for 29th Ward alderman and Cook County board president. Ira Acree, Tommie Johnson, Zerlina Smith-Members and Tara Stamps, as well as Forest Park Mayor Rory Hoskins and Claiborne Wade, also of Forest Park. The district spans many West Side neighborhoods and suburban communities, including Oak Park. Those finalists are a mix of Chicagoans and suburbanites. A selection committee narrowed down 19 applications to six, who will be interviewed by party members in the Foxboro Room of The Carleton of Oak Park Hotel this coming Tuesday. Separately on Friday, party members announced details to fill the vacant position on the Cook County Board left by Brandon Johnson after he won election as Chicago mayor. By the way, the online case lookup system on the website has been down since Friday, June 5.” “I’ve heard from attorneys and judges, and there are many issues with this office including systems being down, orders from judges not being processed in a timely manner, which can result in wrongful evictions as well as other challenges, people staying in jail for longer than necessary.

Spyropoulos, an attorney and another MWRD commissioner, said the problems at the office are not limited to “outdated equipment, employee morale and management” issues.

Mariyana Spyropoulos, a candidate for clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, following her speech at a pre-slating event, June 16, 2023. The office told the radio station in May it was working on a solution, and placed some of the blame on Chief Judge Timothy Evans. A recent WBEZ investigation found during Martinez’s tenure, the clerk’s office had been wrongly putting felonies on the records of people in some diversion programs, potentially putting employment and housing opportunities at risk. Martinez’s two challengers - Eira Corral Sepulveda and Mariyana Spyropoulos - argue Martinez has fallen short of her promises. But these are conversations we need to have here today.” And I know a lot of people don’t want to talk about it because there’s a lot of tension in the room. “We have someone who’s done the work, done the job, who’s qualified, and we’re split. She had the courage to stand up against the party and run, and successfully run,” Harris said. “She took her turn when it wasn’t popular. “It’s important that we support incumbents,” Harris said, even when they “challenge the establishment.” Several party members - including 12th Ward committeeman George Cardenas, Thornton Township committeeman Napoleon Harris and Maine Township’s Laura Murphy - indicated they will back Martinez. Martinez did so without the party’s endorsement, edging out their chosen candidate, Michael Cabonargi. Long plagued by scandal during former Clerk Dorothy Brown’s long tenure, Iris Martinez won a four-way primary in 2020 to replace Brown.

In the Circuit Court clerk’s race, faced with three candidates vying for the party’s endorsement, members were clearly split. Other candidates for the role are likely to emerge - petition passing does not begin until September and the primary election is not until March 19. The mission of the state’s attorney is to preserve the dignity and the best interest of the victims of crime.”
“However, that being said, I do not believe that there should be a free pass for those who continuously flout the system and purposely avail themselves as noncontributing members of our society. “I understand the need to help first-time nonviolent youth offenders accept accountability for their actions while not reaching for sentences that will ruin their lives and weaken our communities,” he continued.