The Revised Version (British and American) has in each instance "broken pieces." The change is important because it shows that the pieces left over were not mere fragments or crumbs left by the people after eating, but some of the original pieces into which it is said in all the synoptic narratives and references Jesus "broke" the "loaves," which, being thin cakes, were usually broken before distribution hence, the phrase, "breaking of bread." See Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible (five volumes), under the word "Fragment" Weymouth translates "broken portions," namely, "those into which the Lord had broken the loaves not mere scraps or crumbs."

It is the translation of klasma (from klao, "to break"), "a piece broken off" ( Matthew 14:20 the King James Version) "broken meat" ( Matthew 15:37). " Compound-complex sentences are used infrequently in business messages because of their length." (Jules Harcourt et al., Business Communication, 3rd ed."Fragment," a piece broken off, occurs only in the plural, in the accounts of the miracles of the Loaves in the Gospels and references thereto."But varying the sentence structures in a piece makes it more interesting, and writers who care about rhythm will stray from the simpler forms to mix in compound sentences now and then." (Jack Hart, A Writer's Coach: The Complete Guide to Writing Strategies That Work. So clear writers minimize their use, generally restricting them to no more than 10 percent of their work. " Compound-complex sentences get unwieldy in a hurry.(David Rosenwasser and Jill Stephen, Writing Analytically, 6th ed. This is not to say that the compound-complex sentence invites confusion: on the contrary, when handled carefully, it has the opposite effect-it clarifies the complexity and enables readers to see it clearly." It is also probably true that the ability to use compound-complex sentences elevates a writer's credibility: it demonstrates that he or she can bring together in a single sentence a range of different pieces of information and order them in relationship to each other. This syntactic shape is essential in representing complex relationships and so is frequently put to use in various forms of analytical writing, especially in academic writing. "The compound-complex sentence consists of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.How, Why, and When to Use Compound-Complex Sentences

(Bertrand Russell, Unpopular Essays, 1930) "In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors, for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal applies only upwards, not downwards."."She gave me another of those long keen looks, and I could see that she was again asking herself if her favourite nephew wasn't steeped to the tonsils in the juice of the grape." (P.G.(Dave Barry, Dave Barry's Guide to Marriage and/or Sex, 1987) "We operate under a jury system in this country, and as much as we complain about it, we have to admit that we know of no better system, except possibly flipping a coin." computing : having related or associated pieces of stored data disorganized in a way that makes them more difficult to access Fragmented files require much more work to read than contiguous files, because to do so DOS must chase down each sector, possibly moving the disk head back and forth many times."The Druids used mistletoe in ceremonies of human sacrifice, but most of all the evergreen became a symbol of fertility because it flourished in winter when other plants withered." (Sian Ellis, "England's Ancient 'Special Twig.'" British Heritage, January 2001)."Those are my principles, and if you don't like them."All of us are egotists to some extent, but most of us-unlike the jerk-are perfectly and horribly aware of it when we make asses of ourselves." (Sidney J.
Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters, 1938) "The door of the morning room was open as I went through the hall, and I caught a glimpse of Uncle Tom messing about with his collection of old silver.".Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. "His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-mooned spectacles, and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice.".( Random House Webster's Pocket Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation, 2007) The subordinate clause can be part of an independent clause." Like the complex sentence, it has at least one subordinate clause.

Like the compound sentence, the compound-complex has two main clauses.